New Pay System !!!

Starting from 21 March, Habbo Empire will be having hourly pays instead of daily pays.
This is to encourage more workers joinning us :)
The pay rates will be :

Low Rankers : 1 Credit per 2 hour
Middle Rankers : 2 Credits per 2 hour
High Rankers & Elite Rankers : 3 Credits per 2 hour
Master Rankers : 4 Credits per 2 hour
Founder Rankers : 5 Credits per 2 hour

*You WILL NOT receive any pays if you only work 1 hour .

You will only be receiving your pays after you have accumulated up to a certain amout.
The amout will be :

Low Rankers : 5 Credits
Middle Rankers : 10 Credits
High Rankers & Elite Rankers : 15 Credits
Master Ranker : 20 Credits
Founder Rankers : 25 Credits

Only claim your pays during pay time ( 8pm daily )
If you have to miss pays, tell the high rankers or Email us.
*Pays accumulated up will only last for 7days. After 7days if you have not claim that day's pay, the day's pay will automatically enters the company's funds :)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at :

Hope you all will love the new pay system!

Yours In Habboing,